Step 1: To check the storage space on your iPhone, go to Settings and tap "General." Here, select "iPhone Storage" to see the storage details on your iPhone. Follow these steps to check storage space on your iPhone: Lack of storage space can cause issues during the restore process of WhatsApp backup. If the simple checks failed to resolve the issue, you might need to check iPhone storage space. Solution 2: Enough Storage Space on iPhone If your WhatsApp backup is end-to-end encrypted, ensure you have the correct password.Your internet connection should be active and stable.

These are the possible checks you need to perform before going into other solutions: There are various reasons behind the failure of WhatsApp restores from iCloud. Solution 1: Check Your Account and Internet Here we have discussed the 6 most common solutions. You can resolve the WhatsApp restore from the iCloud stuck issue in many ways. WhatsApp Restoring Media Stuck: 7 Quick Fixes.WhatsApp Couldn't Restore Chat History: 7 Simple Fixes.Problems with iCloud Drive: iCloud Drive bugs are stopping the WhatsApp restore from getting completed.Insufficient Storage Space: Low storage space in iPhone can also cause WhatsApp to restore from iCloud to get stuck.In case there will be continuous interruptions that can stop the process. Unstable Internet Connection: You must have stable internet during WhatsApp backup restores from iCloud.If the IDs differ, WhatsApp backup won't load. Different iCloud IDs: The iCloud ID should be the same for WhatsApp backup and restore.Many reasons can interfere with restoring WhatsApp backup from iCloud to your iPhone. Part 1: Why WhatsApp Restore From iCloud Not Working Solution 6: Transfer WhatsApp to New iPhone without Backup.Solution 5: Turn Off and On iCloud Drive.

Whatsapp backup iphone without icloud update#